Wednesday, September 22, 2010

John Peter Zenger was arrested for libel when he published the actions of government in his newspaper. How important was it for colonists to have reports of what government was doing? Is it as important to know what our government is doing in 2010? What is the best way to stay informed in 2010?

It was very important because could you imagine if no one ever told George Washington that we were going to war, we would never know what a great battle commander he was. Or no one told you that the government was rasing taxes and  one day you were just thrown in jail for not paying them. I think it is very important to now what the government was doing in both times because it never hurts to be well informed, also back to my previous point now a days if Oboma rased taxes and you never got the news of it you would lose your house,your car, and even your calculator watch! The best way to stay informed in the modern day is watch like fox or some other major news show. But if you dont have a tv then you could get on the computer and go to msn or some other news website. If you dont have a computer you could go old school and read the paper,it has a lot of good and useful infomation. If you dont get or have any of those than WOW! and I dont know how you are reading this.

1 comment:

  1. How well do you and your friends stay informed?

    How about people in your parents generation, how well would you guess they stay informed?
